Selasa, 22 Desember 2009


huh udah lama rasanya ga bergelut di dunia blogger..... cape tapi ga kunjung ada yang ngunjungin... tapi aku ga bole nyerah....

Minggu, 13 September 2009


Disini saya akan sedikit berbagi tentang pengalaman saya entang bagaimana cara mengkoneksikan computer anda ke internet dengan menggunakan handphone. Berikut langkah-langkahnya….. disini saya akan menjelaskan dengan contoh mennggunakan hp nokia 5310…. Aktivkan gprs anda erlebih dahului…..

1. ketika anda membeli handphone pastinya ada CD yang disertakan kan?????????..... nah CD itu kamu masukan kedalam computer kamu terus kamu install program nokia PC suite yang ada di dalamnya…

2. langkah kedua adalah jika aplikasi tersebut sudah andda install sekarang saatnya anda menghubungkan handphone anda ke PC dengan menggunakan kabel data. Dan anda pilih jenis sambungan PC suite ya di konesi.

3. langkah yang ketiga adalah sekarang anda buka aplikasi yang sudah terinstal tadi. Kemudian anda pilih connect to the intenet jika sudah sekarang anda klik setting kemudian kan muncul nama modem anda. Kemudian klik next. Setelah itu pilih setingan secara manual atau langsund. Sekarang anda coba pilih secara manual. Kemudian klik next setalah halaman baru teerbuka sekarang anda isi data2nya sesuai operator yang anda gunakan. Kemudian klik finish.

4. nah langkah yang terakhir adalah sekarang andda klik connect. Tunggu beberapa saat hingga koneksi terhubung. Dan anda siap untuk berselancar.

Sabtu, 12 September 2009


Teman2 marilah kita belajar internet karena dengan belajar internet kita menjadi pintar dan cerdas. Maka dari itu marilah kita selalu belajar internet jangan pernah bosan belajar internet. Belajar internet itu menyenangkan. Maka dari itu jangnlah kalian semua membenci apa yang di sebut internet karena kalau kalian membenci internet internet juga akan membencimu. Maka dari itu gemarilah internet. Dengan internet kita bisa melakukan apa saja misalnya kita bisa mencari teman dengan internet lewat friendster facebook dan lain lain…. Teman2 sebenarnya internet sangat menyenangkan lo… asal kita mau belajar… mungkin dengan internet kita bisa malakukan apa saja… kita bisa belanja mlalui internet kita juga bisa brjualan melalui internet loo… maka dari it uteruslah perdalam internet… mungkin di blig saya ini kita bisa bersama-sama terus belajar internet… ayolah teman jangan buang waktuimu dengan sia2 dari pada di buang dengan sia2 lebih baik kita belajar internet, belajar internet, belajar internet belajar internet belajar internet belajar internet dan terus belajar inernet… jadikan internet adalah bagian dari hidup kita… seperti contohnya pada jaman dahulu orang yang menggunakan hnadohone hanya sedikit,, tetpi pada sekarang ini hamper setiap orang mempunyai hand phone… begitu pula dengan internet mungkin sekarang belum semua orang mengenal internet mungkin di tahun yang akan data orang sudah semuanya menggunakan internet sebagai bagian dari hidupnya…. Terkahir saya ucapkan teruuuuuuslaaah belajar internet… karena dengan internet kita akan pintar cerdas dan sukses…


Selasa, 08 September 2009


Teman2 semua mungkin disini saya akan sedikit berbagi pegetahuan tentang mempercantik blog kita dengan memberi jam pada blog kita. Baiklah saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana caranya….

Begini caranya :

1. pertama anda buka terlebih dahulu blog anda… kemudian anda masuk ke “TATA LETAK” keudian anda pilih “tambah element” setelah itu anda pilih “html/javaskrip”… biarkan halaman itu tetap terbuka…

2. nah langkah yang kedua adalah anda buka www.clocklinkcom/galery.php pada broswer anda.... tunggu hingga halamanya terbuka….

3. setelah halaaman itu terbuka silahkan anda pilih jam yang anda sukai dengan cara klik “view html tag”…..

4. langkah yang ke empat anda klik accept pada halaman yangtelah erbuka….

5. setelah itu pilih lokasi tempat tinggal kita…

6. setelah itu kemudian akan muncul kode jam tersebut…. Kemudian anda copy kode tersebut…

7. nah lagkah yang ke tujuh ada buka lagi halaman yang elah saya jelaskan di nomor satu tadi…. Jika sudah paste kode tadi pada halaman tersebut… dan beri judul sesuka anda… missal jam gue…

8. langkah yang ke delapan anda klik simpan…. Sekarang blog anda sudah ada jamnya silahkan anda lihat blog anda…

mungkin demikian yang dapat saya bagi dalam artikel ini… semoga artikel yang ingkat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda pengunjung setia blog saya….


Sabtu, 05 September 2009


Artikel ini saya tulis semoga bermanfaat bagi para pemula yang belum mengetahui pembuatan blog. Semoga ini bermanfaat bagi anda. Mungkin juga misalkan teman2 saya ada yang berkunjung ke blog saya ini bisa di praktekan oleh teman2 semua. Dalam artikel ini saya ini saya akan menjelaskan cara membuat blog dengan blogger.com. berikut cara pembuatannya….

1. syarat prtama sebelum anda membuat blog adalah anda harus mempunyai akun google terlebih dahulu. Nah saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana membuat akun google. Pertama anda buka w.google.com tentunya. Jika halamanya telah terbuka silahkan anda klik gmail yang berada di halaman paling atas. Setelah anda mengklih itu maka halaman baru akan terbuka. Pada halaman bar tersebut silahkan anda klik buat akun. Setelah anda mengklik itu maka halaman baru berisi forulir telah erbuka, silahkan anda isi dengan biodata ana sendiri. Setelah anda mengisi formulir pendaftaran silahkan anda klik buat akun saya. Setelah itu maka akun google anada telah jadi.

2. Buka www.blogger.com

Nah setelah halaman itu terbuka sekarang anda klik pada bagian anak panah yang bertuliskan create your blog. Setelah anda mengklik itu maka halaman ini akan terbuka…

Setelah halaman ini terbuka pada layer monitor anda maka sekarang anda isa buat blog, blog, blog dan blog. Kalau halaman itu terbuka silahkan anda isi alamat e-mail dengan akun google anda. Dan isi bagian kosong yang lainya. Setelah itu anda klik lanjutkan maka halaman ini akan terbuka…..

Setelah halaman ini terbuka sekarang saatnya anda mengisi formulir yang telah ada…. Jika sudah anda beri anda ceklist pada tilisan I aceep term of serfice…. Jika sudah sekarang anda klik lanjutkan….. maka halaman ini akan terbka…..

Setelah anda mengklik lanjutkan maka halaman dalam proses pebuatan blog akan terbuka. Nah pada halaman ini kita disuruh untuk memilih tema untuk blog kita. Sekarang anda pilih salah satu yang anda sukai… kemudian anda klik lanjutkan…. Maka proses pmbuatan blog telah selesai dan anda sekarang elah mempunyai blog…

Mungkin cukup demikian artikel ini … semoga bermanfaat…. Silahkan mencoba… makasih…

Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Professional Bloggers: Work At Home

Advancements in computer technology and the internet have changed the way America works, learns and communicates. The internet has become an integral part of America’s economic, political and social life."~ Bill ClintonAre you someone who’s always on the move? Do you love “blogging” when you’re on the move? Are you looking for a unique work-at-home opportunity - even if your “home” is on wheels? If you’ve answered “yes” to these questions “professional blogging” is the perfect work-at-home option for you.To be an “on-the-move” professional-blogger, all you really need is the ability to write well, a dash of creativity, a laptop and a wireless internet connection. The best part about being a professional blogger is that few jobs are as fun! Imagine working at home, doing what you love to do, writing about the things you love. (Never mind if home is occasionally/constantly on wheels)Make use of the unique work-at-home opportunities available online. The internet is a great resource for writers of every genre! The best part about being a professional-blogger-on-the-move is that work won’t feel like work at all. In fact, if you enjoy writing, blogging may actually serve to ease you on all those long trips.Blogging is not something that’s done just for fun anymore, its phenomenal popularity has actually spawned an entire industry called the blogging-industry - this is linked to the marketing potential of the internet of course. Fairly recent developments like the “Blooker prize” only testify to the huge popularity of the blog-culture.When someone says “blog” most people think of someone who’s using blogging as a way to relieve themselves of life’s many frustrations - by revealing them to the world via a blog post. This is not always the case; blogs today are used for a variety of purposes – particularly for advertising. The fact that the internet has become almost indispensable in most households around the world today, has made it an invaluable marketing tool. Practically every business advertises online, this is where blog posts can help.Writers/bloggers get some of the best deals when it comes to work-at-home options. This is because most work-at-home jobs for writers operate on extremely low start-up-costs - or on no start-up cost at all (as in the case of most professional-bloggers). Flexibility is also great when it comes to time – an aspect of a professional-blogger’s job that makes it ideal for people who are constantly on the move.For more information on blogs and blogging, try visiting the following sites:http://www.problogger.nethttp://www.blogger.com

Seven Best Practices for Corporate Blogging

Blogs have become one of the hottest communication tools on the Web. Offering the opportunity for anyone to create their own free Web site, encouraging opinions and interaction, blogs provide forums for individuals to create their own highly personal presentations to the Web audience. They also provide for consortia of all types to experience the sort of online community feeling that was pioneered by early newsgroups and by the phenomenal success of AOL in the 1990s.
Blogs have reached into the corporate and government sectors as well. What started out as an outlet for teenage expression and grassroots journalism has turned into a lucrative communications tool for small and large businesses alike.
Corporate Blogging refers to a company producing or supporting a blog that it uses to accomplish business objectives. As with anything, there are certain “best practices” to be followed to ensure your company reaps the maximum benefits. These seven tips guidelines will help make your blog a success.
1. Fine Print. Blogging can lead to legal issues. Companies should have real concerns about liability, exclusions and limitations, and indemnity. Although there are laws that protect against libel, misappropriations and other injuries suffered as a result of posts on the Web, companies can still be held “vicariously” responsible for statements made by employees that are harmful to others. Since there are so many legal issues surrounding blogs, it is imperative that the site has some sort of disclaimer and limitation of liability.
2. Know What You’re Doing. Senior management should be educated by the corporate communications and legal department about what blogs are and how they might affect business. That way, they can be contributing members of the blog, further improving employee relations. Their support and participation is often what makes a blog more effective.
3. Create blogging policies. In any medium where an employee is sharing information, there is the possibility of leaking trade secrets or financial information. Blogging also has a tendency to become personal. A company should have a list of policies regarding blogging to ensure that trade secrets are kept secret and personal lives do not become public. Policies may include keeping financial information from being posted, as well as severe consequences for anyone using the blog for negative publicity.
4. Avoid the Marketing Blog. Making your blog into a blatant marketing campaign is a bad idea. Customers are looking for real answers and honest opinions. They will pick up on insincerity instantly. Use the blog for what it's for, transparency. This is an opportunity to make a real connection with your customers. Don't ruin it by filling it with empty advertising.
5. Keep It Fresh. Blogs are usually judged by their amount of new content. Easy to add on to, they are designed to be updated constantly. To keep your readers coming back, make your content relevant and timely. Don't forget, content can include anything from product releases to job openings, recent news to thoughts from the CEO. It's practically impossible to run out of material.
6. Reinforce the company’s core values. Use your blog to reflect your company's inner soul: its mission, goals and direction. A blog is just another medium by which you interact with your customers and employees. It's another part of the brand experience. It should be consistent with the impression the company wants to make.
7. Encourage employees to use it. Create an atmosphere where they are comfortable asserting their opinions and concerns. You’ll be surprised how the quietest employees will speak up when given such an opportunity. With all communication, blogging can become negative, so remind employees of the public nature of the blogs and the ramifications for their actions.

SEO Best Practices: How Blogs Can Break Or Make Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy

Blogs - Structure and Layout I work in the field of Search Engine Optimization. It has a wide range of options, from the technical to the more strategic. Tons of discussions are found on off-page and on-page factors, latent semantic analysis, content scope, quality, HTML/CSS development, site navigational structure, spamdexing, 301 redirects, plagiarism, link strategies, directories, blogs, search engine news, email marketing tips & online (internet) marketing. Most all of the top 10 SEO firms out there agree that blogs are a "must" for driving traffic and get established in the Internet community. There is a right way, and a wrong way. We'll discuss these below. Be warned - too many folks out there are thinking about "how to outbeat the search engines" and use the latest-and-greatest (blogs) to elevate their rankings, essentially via content and blog spam. Blogs are a powerful way to get seen by the search bots. Blogger (Google's own) is an important key to the puzzle, but there are many. THE UN-OFFICIAL TOP 7 BLOGGING BEST PRACTICES FOR SEO Start here, begin a quick review of the world's top blogs: http://www.technorati.com/pop/blogs (the gorilla blog listings - updated daily) http://www.problogger.net (this guy makes 16,000 USD / monthly) http://microsaw.stikipad.com (web 2.0 blogs and news) Get an account - it's free. log in - and - don't start! What? No, you must first continue by scanning the list above and get a sense for what people are writing about. This could be more generic at first, but start looking to yourself. What do you know? What do people come to you for? Anything that you specialize in? (Hint: don't think "how can I sell this" - but "how can I share this?") You'll also learn how to use trackback functions to allow other people to be notified. Permalinks are great for SEO and should be used where appropriate. So, now you learned something big: be yourself! Think about an interesting headline. You don't need to be copywriter, but you should think about your headline and the topic at hand. More importantly, is it something that you are passionate about, or can contribute something to? It's ok to spend some time here, writer's block can come up. Think about other sites, can you re-write their UVP (unique value proposition)? How would you write yours (thinking theme here). What I've found to work is simply sit back and start talking as if you were discussing a (hot) topic with a friend, and then breaking it out into sub-groups from there. Writing tips: casual, friendly and interesting (meaning you have something to write and you don't copy others) works well in blogs. Make sure you stay on topic and that you are truthful. Would you lie to your mother? Of course not - then think about this when you are writing online (and she will not come after you). Yahoo's blogging policy is a good one: "Be respectful of your colleagues, get your facts straight, provide context to your argument, and engage in private feedback." Also, make sure to include images (flickr) and video (youtube, google video) where you can. Make the images rich and colorful, don't worry about sizing too much. Committment, persistence and disciplin. Sound like an extract from Jim Rohn or Anthony Robbins? Well, they probably are - but it applies to most of the things you do in life. So be it with blogging. Carve out 1/2-1 hour every day to nurture to your blog business. Think of it as your morning ritual - right after you have attended to your family and other duties. Plus, often you are not going to be in writing mode - but rather, maintenance mode - reviewing and responding to other blogger's input. Search engines start picking up your blog, and traffic increases. Be prepared and if it gets out of hand, be able to manage that too. I'm not simply talking about traffic, but as others join and comment, you may need to defend your stance, including admitting mistakes if / when you make them. Folks appreciate other folks who are big enough to admit mistakes if it gets there. For example, you may have folks who don't like you - even if you're Bill Gates. This guy created a Corporate Weblog Manifesto that I found interesting. Run and host your own blog service. More expensive, but this could have a large impact on your ability to control not only the content, but custom HTML layouts, code and information architecture that are important to search engines. You can offer this as a service to others in your niche market. http://businesslogs.com/ is a great resource to use for starting this process, and more hands-on development companies like http://www.leveltendesign.com/ can be an option for you. Keep in mind that the market has developed niche-companies, from real-estate to healthcare, and you should research those specifically. If you have writer's block - make sure to read the next section, content is important for Search Engine Optimization - be on top of it. How To Be Creative RE: Blogs (and SEO) Here are some tips about being creative with blogs. Funny, but poignant. (Taken from http://www.gapingvoid.com/) Ignore everybody. The idea doesn't have to be big. It just has to change the world. Put the hours in. If your biz plan depends on you suddenly being "discovered" by some big shot, your plan will probably fail. You are responsible for your own experience. Everyone is born creative; everyone is given a box of crayons in kindergarten. Keep your day job. Companies that squelch creativity can no longer compete with companies that champion creativity. Everybody has their own private Mount Everest they were put on this earth to climb. The more talented somebody is, the less they need the props. Don't try to stand out from the crowd; avoid crowds altogether. If you accept the pain, it cannot hurt you. Never compare your inside with somebody else's outside. Dying young is overrated. The most important thing a creative person can learn professionally is where to draw the red line that separates what you are willing to do, and what you are not. The world is changing. Merit can be bought. Passion can't. Avoid the Watercooler Gang. Sing in your own voice. The choice of media is irrelevant. Selling out is harder than it looks. Nobody cares. Do it for yourself. Worrying about "Commercial vs. Artistic" is a complete waste of time. Don?t worry about finding inspiration. It comes eventually. You have to find your own schtick. Write from the heart. The best way to get approval is not to need it. Power is never given. Power is taken. Whatever choice you make, The Devil gets his due eventually. The hardest part of being creative is getting used to it. Remain frugal. Voila - that's it, there you have it. Watch how the search engines will start picking up your content. You can run tools to see how you are ranking, how often you are showing up in the search engines. We like www.UrlTrends.com as a simple beginner starting point. However, it's not 100% accurate, other SEO tools can provide more detail. Keep your content fresh, updates daily is preferred - and definitely once a week and your search engine marketing (which includes search engine optimization) will become more visible than it was just last week. Then, use http://pingomatic.com/ to alert search engines that you have made updates. It's a free service, and will help your visibility.

Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009


Begini ceritanya... saat aku kelas 3 smp... aku kan sering dekat dengan guru TIK saya.... kan saya bisa tanya2 tuh... walaupun aku juga kurang paham tetapi dengan detil aku terus belajar... saya juga mencari informasi tentang blog di internet dan juga di buku... dan pada akhirnya wlaupun blog saya masih acak2an seperti ini tapi saya bersyukur saya sudah bisa membuat blog.... buat teman2 yang mau berbagi pengetahuan kirim aja ya ke rifan.shine@gmail.com atau di cahbokol_cakwe@yahoo.co.id....
atau add fs aya ya ipang_buhori@ganteng.com.... temen2 makasih ya udah mau berkunjung ke blog saya,,,,,, dah dulu yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................................... baaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy